Dangers of religion due to misunderstanding concept of Light vs Darkness

We are told to walk in the path of light but what if most people misunderstood this message. Typically light is made to look as good, and darkness is supposed to be bad.  If most so-called contrarians were true contrarians they would question this premise, if they applied mass psychology and common sense, they would […]

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Toxic Supplements: Watch what you ingest

Before you reach out to buy that so-called healthy supplement that is going to make you feel better remarkably, take a few moments to read what other ingredients it’s packing. A cursory look will reveal that most manufacturers fill their supplements with what can only be labelled as “toxic” or potentially dangerous ingredients. Here are […]

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Today’s Media is nothing but a brain washing machine

Watch the video clip below carefully, it shows to you how almost all the news in the world from commercials sources is scripted and how most news is actually not news, but the lowest form of gossip.  We have moved to the point where stupidity is treated as a valuable asset, where dishonesty is rewarded […]

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End of multiculturalism and the beginning of crusades

The era of multiculturalism is over and dead. There is going to be new massive religious war; we will soon witness a second phase of the crusades. This was the period where the Christian and Muslim world fought bitterly.  The heat is on now; the leaders of the Muslim world have done nothing to form […]

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Today’s doctors are nothing but legalised drug dealers

Doctors today are a far cry from the Doctors of yesteryear; today they are more likely to be on par with drug dealers. The difference between a doctor and street dealer is that one has a license to deal while the other does not.  Take for example psychotropic drugs; drug manufacturers make a fortune selling […]

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Polarisation & dangerous ingredients in your organic food

The best way to separate a man from his money is to keep him in a constant state of agitation.  When the masses are agitated, you can pass a plethora of terrible laws for their focus is on the created distraction. The entire world is beating upon on Trump, so he will be used to […]

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Americans favour Coffee over Financial Freedom

The dream – road to Financial Freedom: Towards the end of last year, we published an article titled  Americans favour coffee to stock market investing where we demonstrated that an overwhelming majority drink coffee as opposed to investing in the stock market’ 61% of Americans drink coffee on a daily basis as opposed to the 48% […]

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Currency wars detonate

Over the years we have often stated that every that every major bull market will experience at least one back-breaking correction. Usually, the correction culminates with a 50% pullback from the highs. In the case of Gold, this would equate to a pullback to $960.  The precious metal’s sector had a beautiful lope that began in 2003 […]

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Perception Wars: You see what you are directed to see

Brainwashing is the name of the game  Everything you process is based on Perception & perception is based on the data you are feed  Alter the perception, and you alter the outcome.  How do you even know how you even see the right picture? If all the information that you are being provided with is […]

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Stock Market Crash Predictions Are Blatant Acts Of Misdirection

Stock Market Crash Predictions: Ignore them & focus on the Trend Most Financial writers have chosen the wrong field; they would be much better served to work for one of those cheap tabloids   Their focus is on bombastic titles, and their advice is on par with rubbish.  Their main objective is to hardwire the masses […]

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